Showing 51 - 75 of 165 Results
Pedagogues de Port-Royal by Carre, Irenee, Pascal, Jacq... ISBN: 9781167652257 List Price: $27.16
Pedagogues de Port-Royal by Carre, Irenee, Pascal, Jacq... ISBN: 9781167916779 List Price: $39.16
Sister and Saint; A Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal by Weitzel, Sophy Winthrop ISBN: 9781117434902 List Price: $23.99
Oeuvres de M. Victor Cousin (2); Quatri�me S�rie Jacqueline Pascal by Cousin, Victor ISBN: 9781235415135 List Price: $19.99
Jacqueline Pascal (8e d.) (French Edition) by COUSIN-V ISBN: 9782012985353 List Price: $30.95
Sister and saint A sketch of the life of Jacqueline Pascal by Sophie Winthrop Weitzel ISBN: 9785518490536 List Price: $49.95
Port-Royal education Saint Cyran Arnauld Lancelot Nicle De Saci Guyot Coustel Fontaine Jacqu... by Félix Cadet, Adnah D. Jones ISBN: 9785518524477 List Price: $44.95
Sister and Saint; a Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal by Winthrop, Weitzel ISBN: 9781314445237 List Price: $28.95
Lettres, Opusules et M�moires de Madame Perier et de Jacqueline, Soeurs de Pascal, et de Mar... by Fran�oise Gilberte Pascal P... ISBN: 9781273744587 List Price: $40.75
Oeuvres: Pascal Depuis L'Entree de Jacqueline a Port Royal (1652) Jusqu'au Memorial (1654)..... by Blaise Pascal, Leon Brunsch... ISBN: 9781272795689 List Price: $45.75
Les Constitutions Du Monastre De Port-royal Du St. Sacrement... (Arabic Edition) by Gertrude Du Pré, Agnès Arna... ISBN: 9781271178353 List Price: $43.75
Sister and Saint; A Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal by Weitzel, Sophie Winthrop ISBN: 9781150287763 List Price: $23.65
Jacqueline Pascal: Or, Convent Life at Port Royal by Unknown ISBN: 9781313541473 List Price: $28.95
Lettres, Opuscules Et Mmoires De Madame Perier Et De Jacqueline, Soeurs De Pascal, Et De Mar... by Gilberte Périer, Armand-Pro... ISBN: 9781274224064 List Price: $40.75
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